Last Saturday we visited the Café Central in the Inner City of Vienna – it´s a very beautiful café with piano music…it has been opened in 1868 … we had a really nice and cozy afternoon …. ignoring the cold and windy weather outside, reading magazines and enjoying coffee and hot chocolate for 4 hours!!
Want to have a look? You´ll find pictures from 100 yrs. ago and from today…
Here are some of my pics:
... a "Einspänner" (coffee with whipped cream not in a cup, but a glass-mug. In former times coachmen preferred this type of coffe, because it stayed longer hot and they could hold it in one hand while they had the reins in the other)
Inspired by those former times I created a SNB (sticky-notes-booklet) which could be from the estate of an elegant lady anno 1890/1900…
Thanks for enduring such a long blog post ;-)
Have a nice day!