
Mittwoch, 8. Dezember 2010

Still living… and a lightning-fast gift-wrapping

… but that´s not a matter of course.

I had a few very unpleasant days… let me tell you the story:

Last Wednesday I was so happy and full of joy, because I finally got Dorcas´ Blog Candy – so many beautiful things!! Thanks again!
And she sent me such a sweet card with even sweeter words in it!

But then…. later in the evening our  unit which is responsible for the heating and the hot water, stopped working.
I called the customer service, but they were very unprofessional, made 2 mistakes and so my hubby and I had to endure 5 (!) days in a house with 13°C/55°F room temperature and -5°C/23°F outside. And we had no hot water to take a shower or warm our hands.

So you can imagine that I really wasn´t in the mood for being creative or blogging – I was angry!!! *gggrrr*

To ease the situation I made soufflés and cakes (chocolate cake with raspberries!) in the oven which was the only source for warmth.

Ok. Enough of that. Since yesterday the unit is working again and it´s warm in here again :-)

Not long ago I needed a quick packaging/gift-wrapping for our 3 nephews – they´re 7, 8 and 13 – to put money and sweets inside… because I had really no time, I remembered this kind of packaging – so quick and easy and still not usual – the boys liked them and opened them very carefully although they´re usually more on the wild side:

I left them quite plain to achieve a more masculine look - the embellished side was the one to open the packaging.
So, this was my sign of life - enjoy your day and thanks for visiting!

I link it to ...

Make a gift or some kind of wrapping

6 Kommentare:

  1. Love your gift wrapping idea! I think I'll use it next year to wrap Jonathan's socks and underwear (you know, typical anniversary present when youve been married 17 years! lol)
    Sorry you were without heat, did no one offer to let you camp out in their house? 55 degrees is stinkin cold!
    Anyway, glad youre back to normal now and I'm sure Thomas was glad of all the goodies you made in the meantime!

  2. Yes, it's beautiful, simple and elegant. I was in Austria many years ago when I lived in Germany and I love it! I wish I could live some where in the country side pretty much any where in western Europe and 6 month in Florida. That would be my dream. Love your blog!

  3. These are a great idea! I would love to fill them with treats for my Nephew and Nieces! Sorry about your heat situation. Our hot water heater broke just before I left for my parents house, then when I got here, my room had no heat and the hot water is not working right too! It is similar temp. here! Glad you got to have some treats to keep warm.

  4. Well you have had a mixed week haven't you. Glad you've finally been able to get warm, have a nice day out and do some crafting. Love the gift boxes....such a clever idea. Fun and masculine. I love that they opened them carefully lol....shows they appreciated them doesn't it though. Hugs lin

  5. I love the silver and the brads at the bottom. Looks elegant. Thanks for playing with us at Going Grey with Scrap-Creations.

  6. Great gift wrapping. I'm sure the boys loved them. Thanks for joining us at Going Grey with Scrap-creations.


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