
Sonntag, 30. Oktober 2011

Time to celebrate

Hi all!

A big THANK YOU to everybody who sent me an email to ask if I´m ok !
Yes, I am - it was just a very busy time and so my blog went on vacation for the last few weeks - sadly I didn´t go with it on vacation - instead of I learnt a lot new things I´ll need for my job in the future... a bit exhausting ...

One of my best friends has a comparable busy time right now - she´s a medical secretary and had a few courses since spring - a lot to learn but she had excellent marks on all exams - I´m so proud of her - time for a little celebration I think!!

So - we invited her and her family next week and this is what she´ll find on the table in front of her seat:
is it worthy - what do you think?

I wish all of you a fabulous new week and if you like, come back on Tuesday - I´ll have a software giveaway for you!

Their inspirational picture is so beautiful!