
Donnerstag, 24. Februar 2011

Pipilonias Februar-Challege

Heute gibt es nach langer Zeit wieder einmal einen Blogeintrag in Deutsch, damit ich´s nicht verlern´…. nein, natürlich nicht! ;-)

Es ist vielmehr eine der Teilnahmebedingungen für die monatliche Challenge auf Pipilonias Blog.
Und bei dieser Challenge möchte ich diesmal gern mitmachen:

das Thema lautet „Symmetrie“ und eine „selbstgemachte Verzierung“

Ich hab als symmetrische Form eine quadratische Karte mit quadratischem Rahmen gemacht und das Mittelstück ist eine aus Silberdraht, Strass und Perlen selbst gemachte Verziehrung.

Konzipiert hab ich sie als Gratulation zur Hochzeit… aber man kann sie sicher auch für einen Hochzeitstag etc. … verwenden.

Hier ist sie:

It´s a long time since I posted in German, but today I have to: it´s a need to be able to join in the monthly challenge at  Pipilonia is a scrapbookstore here in Vienna.

For the month of February Pipilonia is looking for symmetrical projects with at least one self-made embellishment.

I made a square card with a square frame (symmetrical!) and a self-made embellishment from silver wire, a rhinestone and pearls as focal point.

I had a wedding in mind, but it might also be suitable for wedding anniversaries …etc…

Here´s my take on the challenge:

I add my link to these challenges:

Mittwoch, 16. Februar 2011

Relaxing and Crafting in Croatia

We´re back home!

Oh, how wonderful our vacation was! 11 days of continuous sunshine within 14 days of vacation!
I´m not sure if it was true or if I was dreaming: I lay out in the sunshine with only my bathing clothes on! In February!

Usually I´m kind of sad, when vacation is over because deep in my heart I´m a traveller… but this time it´s better… not only that we had the most beautiful time in Croatia – I was also able to meet the gorgeous Nina B. from “Crafting in Croatia”! She is a fabuluous crafter and designer! You can see her work here

Because of the fact that she parted from some older Papertrey Ink stamp sets, I was lucky to buy 3 PTI sets – GREAT! Sadly PTI has high shipping costs to Europe, so I didn´t buy me some until now, although I adore their beautiful sets. But now I have at least 3 older ones – and so I´m able to participate in their challenges – yay!!!

I feel very, very relaxed and even though it´s snowing outside :-(  I feel happy!

(You´ve to know that in my opinion Austria is positioned on an absolutely wrong degree of latitude!)

So I want to start this week ( a little late) by sharing 2 cards I made last year – in fact my personal favourites of 2010:
“Sadly” they´re not in my possession any more, but I kow that they´re in appreciative hands .

The fabric is a scrap I rescued from the trash bin in a millinery store (or how do you call the stores where you buy fabric by yard/meter?) – the rest of the card is digitally created and printed.

Oh, I forgot the pearl – last year I loved strolling through some Viennese flea markets – I bought some old fashion-pearl-jewelery and cut it up (barbaric!) – so the middle of my fabric flowers is a shiny pearl.

I hope you enjoy the following cards – thanks for stopping by!

PS: “Danke” is German for “Thank you”

 I´ll link them up to:

Sonntag, 6. Februar 2011

Mini-Card-Set "Owls"/Part 2

... and the last ones...

... and my favourite:

The whole set:

I had so much fun making these... using some scraps, coloring (even though I colored them with normal felt-tip pens; that was before my Promarkers came)... this set was a gift for my Mum - I will make similar ones for me to give away for sure... they´re really fun to make!

Have a nice beginning of the week!

Samstag, 5. Februar 2011

Mini-Card-Set "Owls"/Part 1

Oh, time flies!
It´s already 2 months ago that I promised you to show you the finished card-set with my favorite stamp from 2010:
today I´ll show you the first 4 cards ... 3 more will come in a few days...

... and my personal favourite : the Snowy-Owl

I´ll link all of them up to

Thanks for visiting! Have a great weekend everybody!

Donnerstag, 3. Februar 2011

Celebrate with me!

Oh, I´m so happy today!
Not only, that it was a very sunny and warm day ... I´m also a winner today!!

Let me tell you the story:

Vanessa inspired me with her absolutely stunning card   to submit a project to the Hero Arts January Challenge, too.

I tried it for the first time - and I won in the Digital category!! Wohooo!!!

Check it out here if you want...

So, celebrate with me today and make yourself a nice evening!